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Friday, July 10, 2009

The Best Techniques For Forex Success

What are the best Forex trading techniques to use to enjoy Forex trading success? In this article we will look at some time tested techniques, you can easily apply for bigger Forex profits.

All the best Forex trading systems are simple and yours needs to be simple too, if you make your trading system to complex, it will simply break in the brutal world of trading now, lets look at some techniques you can put into your Forex trading strategy to make it successful.

The first Forex trading technique you need to become familiar with is basic technical analysis and learning how to read simple bar charts. You need to be able to spot areas of support or resistance that are important. The bar chart gives you a visual picture of the trend and once you have this, you can decide if levels of resistance are going to hold or break but how do you this?

If you want a simple Forex trading technique which works and will continue to work simply watch for significant levels of support or resistance to break and go with the break. You don’t have to guess or predict you simply trade the reality of the price break and go with it. This method is simple and effective and if you look at any currency chart, you will see all the big trends start there trends from these breakouts and also continue there trends from them so its timeless, easy way to make some great profits.

You need to look for levels that others traders consider important so look for levels that have been tested between four and six times and in breakout trading, its the more tests the better. Most traders don’t trade breakouts, as they want to buy high and sell low but this is simply not possible in Forex trading and involves prediction which is just hoping or guessing. If you trade breakouts, you let the market tell you where prices are going and trade the reality of price change; this method therefore, will get you in on all the best trends and profits.

You can put your stop close below the breakout point and then you need to learn another key Forex trading technique which is how to cope with volatility and stay with the trend, by learning how to trail your stop correctly.

Most traders try to restrict risk too much and end up creating it. If you look at the big trends they last a long time and you must have the confidence and the courage, to hold your stop outside of normal volatility.

A good way to do this is to trail your stop behind a key simple moving average and the 40 day MA is an excellent one to use. Sure, you give a bit back at the end of the trend but you have too as no one know when a big trend will end. Always keep in mind, if you caught just 60% of every major trend you would make a huge amount of money.

You must accept short term dips into your open profit, to stay with big trends and most Forex traders are not capable of using this Forex trading technique. They always want to have their stop to close and get stopped out with a minor profit, when they could have had a huge one.

Acceptance of short term open equity dips is essential to making money long term, so make sure you never place a stop to close and keep your eye on the big profits from the big trends.

If you learn breakout trading and how to trail your stops correctly, you will have two Forex trading techniques which you can put in your Forex trading strategy and enjoy some great Forex profits.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Stock Exchange

stock exchange, (formerly a securities exchange) is a corporation or mutual organization which provides "trading" facilities for stock brokers and traders, to trade stocks and other securities. Stock exchanges also provide facilities for the issue and redemption of securities as well as other financial instruments and capital events including the payment of income and dividends. The securities traded on a stock exchange include: shares issued by companies, unit trusts, derivatives, pooled investment products and bonds. To be able to trade a security on a certain stock exchange, it has to be listed there. Usually there is a central location at least for recordkeeping, but trade is less and less linked to such a physical place, as modern markets are electronic networks, which gives them advantages of speed and cost of transactions. Trade on an exchange is by members only. The initial offering of stocks and bonds to investors is by definition done in the primary market and subsequent trading is done in the secondary market. A stock exchange is often the most important component of a stock market. Supply and demand in stock markets is driven by various factors which, as in all free markets, affect the price of stocks (see stock valuation).
There is usually no compulsion to issue stock via the stock exchange itself, nor must stock be subsequently traded on the exchange. Such trading is said to be off exchange or over-the-counter. This is the usual way that derivatives and bonds are traded. Increasingly, stock exchanges are part of a global market for securites.

Role of Stock Exchange

Raising capital for businesses
The Stock Exchange provide companies with the facility to raise capital for expansion through selling shares to the investing public.[2]

Mobilizing savings for investment
When people draw their savings and invest in shares, it leads to a more rational allocation of resources because funds, which could have been consumed, or kept in idle deposits with banks, are mobilized and redirected to promote business activity with benefits for several economic sectors such as agriculture, commerce and industry, resulting in stronger economic growth and higher productivity levels and firms.

Facilitating company growth
Companies view acquisitions as an opportunity to expand product lines, increase distribution channels, hedge against volatility, increase its market share, or acquire other necessary business assets. A takeover bid or a merger agreement through the stock market is one of the simplest and most common ways for a company to grow by acquisition or fusion.

Redistribution of wealth
Stock exchanges do not exist to redistribute wealth. However, both casual and professional stock investors, through dividends and stock price increases that may result in capital gains, will share in the wealth of profitable businesses.

Corporate governance
By having a wide and varied scope of owners, companies generally tend to improve on their management standards and efficiency in order to satisfy the demands of these shareholders and the more stringent rules for public corporations imposed by public stock exchanges and the government. Consequently, it is alleged that public companies (companies that are owned by shareholders who are members of the general public and trade shares on public exchanges) tend to have better management records than privately-held companies (those companies where shares are not publicly traded, often owned by the company founders and/or their families and heirs, or otherwise by a small group of investors). However, some well-documented cases are known where it is alleged that there has been considerable slippage in corporate governance on the part of some public companies. The dot-com bubble in the early 2000s, and the subprime mortgage crisis in 2007-08, are classical examples of corporate mismanagement. Companies like (2000), Enron Corporation (2001), One.Tel (2001), Sunbeam (2001), Webvan (2001), Adelphia (2002), MCI WorldCom (2002), Parmalat (2003), American International Group (2008), Lehman Brothers (2008), and Satyam Computer Services (2009) were among the most widely scrutinized by the media.

Creating investment opportunities for small investors
As opposed to other businesses that require huge capital outlay, investing in shares is open to both the large and small stock investors because a person buys the number of shares they can afford. Therefore the Stock Exchange provides the opportunity for small investors to own shares of the same companies as large investors.

Government capital-raising for development projects
Governments at various levels may decide to borrow money in order to finance infrastructure projects such as sewage and water treatment works or housing estates by selling another category of securities known as bonds. These bonds can be raised through the Stock Exchange whereby members of the public buy them, thus loaning money to the government. The issuance of such bonds can obviate the need to directly tax the citizens in order to finance development, although by securing such bonds with the full faith and credit of the government instead of with collateral, the result is that the government must tax the citizens or otherwise raise additional funds to make any regular coupon payments and refund the principal when the bonds mature.

Barometer of the economy
At the stock exchange, share prices rise and fall depending, largely, on market forces. Share prices tend to rise or remain stable when companies and the economy in general show signs of stability and growth. An economic recession, depression, or financial crisis could eventually lead to a stock market crash. Therefore the movement of share prices and in general of the stock indexes can be an indicator of the general trend in the economy.
